
Welcome from the Ugly Shire!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mystery Special Delivery Part 4

Ahhh. Postmaster Hunphrey Wedgie is happy to see that our new arrival is a happy and friendly Uglydog.
Wedgehead White Cat (on left) is trying to comprehend how a 12" Uglydog can fit in a 3 " shipping box.

We think Pink Uglydog knew all along.

We named the new fellow Houdini, for obvious reasons. Harry for short.

We love you, Harry H Uglydog.


  1. Eek, he's so cute!

    PS- I love your curtains. They're cool.

  2. Yay! That Ox ear was an Uglydog tail!
    Now I want an uglydog:)

  3. Mary, those curtains are the backdrop of my life.

    Purpgee, I hope you will have your Uglydog soon. They are precious.
